Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 1

So, today is day one of a "get up earlier in the morning, so I can go to bed earlier instead of working or watching dumb TV until later" challenge.
Don't get me wrong, I like the mornings, the light is pretty the quiet is inspiring etc. I just HATE that the early morning comes well, so damned early! I have been a night owl since forever so therefore getting up early does not work. Getting up at 7:30 is enough time for me to get up, stumble around until the coffee is made and get my son's lunch made and him out the door dressed and fed. Ever since I was up and about after my mastectomy last year(early March I was up regularly after 2 weeks in bed) I have been pushing the getting up angle as far as I can.
Now, I can get up at 8, get coffee, get my son up, out dressed etc on time. I work for 2 hours at home after that and then head to the store for the day. I rarely get home before 6:45, and 3 days a week I don't get home until 9. Somewhere in there I get both of us fed, we each workout 2-4 times a week, and I pretend I know how to keep a clean house. I usually get my son to bed by 10pm, unless Colin and Justin are on and then I start work again. I work effectively until about 11:30, and then I convince myself I work effectively while working, watching reruns of House and Numbers until 1 am and then I stumble around trying to get to bed... and then it's suddenly 2 am...
Going to bed without everything done feels like failure to me, so I push the envelope as hard as I can but realistically I could stay up 24 hours a day for the next year and never get caught up on everything that needs doing in my business or my life.
So, today is Day 1 of getting up at 6:45 am, in the hope that getting up earlier will help me soooo exhausted by midnight that I get to bed earlier and have more hours in the day to get more work done. Let's see how I do! So Far, I feel like crap... more tomorrow..

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